
Monday 3 November 2014

Fun Fact Monday - The Mischievous Womanizer

In Slavic mythology, Leshnik (or Lesnik, Lesovik, Leshy…) is a forest spirit, protector of wild animals and guardian of the entire forest in which he resides. His name in English would be Hazel, and he is one of the oldest fairy creatures. 
Capable of changing his appearance whenever and however he wishes, he can take various shapes and sizes. One moment, he can be as small as a blade of grass, and the very next second he can be a giant the size of a sequoia. He most often takes the form of a tall man, with long hair and beard made of grass and vines. His eyes are green and glistening, his blood is blue, and it is believed that he has no shadow and wears his shoes on opposite feet. 
This infamous womanizer is known to kidnap beautiful women and do God knows what kind of naughty things with them behind the closed doors of his fur-covered cabin. He often makes young girls dance kolo in front of him, so he could enjoy their beauty and their graceful movement. 
Although he is the protector of wild animals, he takes care of the domestic animals as well, preventing and solving the problems that arise from the antagonism between them. He has a pet bear that follows him around wherever he goes. 
Leshnik is in no way evil, though he is a rather mischievous spirit. He enjoys leading people down the wrong forest paths, making them desperately lost. He hides lumberjacks’ axes in order to prevent them from hurting the trees. He is extremely noisy and is a truly talented piper. This, coupled with his great sexual desire and potency, makes him rather similar to Pan. 
It can’t go unsaid that the myth of Leshnik sounds like it was created by women at a time when Jane Austen novels and rom-coms were nothing but a distant future.

(images retrieved from www.pinters.com and www.epica.org respectively)

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